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Artillery was used extensively, but only about 10 percent of the wounded were the victims of artillery fire. Here are some facts from the Civil War. Killed in action or mortally wounded: 110,100 Killed in action: 67,088 Mortally wounded: 43,012 Died of disease: 224,580 Died as prisoners of war: 30,192 Other types of non-battle deaths: 24,881 Accidents: 4,114 Drowned: 4,944 Murdered: 520 Killed after capture: 104 Suicide: 391 Executed by Federal authorities: 267 Executed by the enemy: 64 Sunstroke: 313 Other causes: 2,043 Cause not stated: 12,121 Total Deaths: 389,753 Wounded in Action: 275,175 Total casualties, 1861 to 1865: 664,928

Killed in action or mortally wounded: 94,000 Died of disease: 164,000 Died as prisoners of war: 31,000 Total Deaths: 289,000 Wounded in action: 194,026 Total casualties, 1861 to 1865: 483,026

211,411 prisoners of war 16,668 paroled on the field 30,218 died in prison 15.5% mortality rate

462,634 prisoners of war 247,769 paroled on the field 25,976 died in prison 12% mortality rate

* Of the 364,000 on the Union side who lost their lives, a third were killed or died of wounds and two-thirds died of disease. * The chance of surviving a wound in Civil War days was 7 to 1. * Many doctors who saw service in the Civil War had never been to medical school, but had served an apprenticeship in the office of an established practitioner. * Approximately 130,000 freed slaves became Union soldiers during the war. * Besides the rifle and cannon, weapons consisted of revolvers, swords, cutlasses, hand grenades, Greek fire and land mines. * About 15 percent of the wounded died in the Civil War. * Most infantry rifles were equipped with bayonets, but very few men wounded by bayonet showed up at hospitals. The conclusion was that the bayonet was not a lethal weapon. The explanation probably lay in the fact that opposing soldiers did not often actually come to grips and, when they did, were prone to use their rifles as clubs. * Eighty percent of all wounds during the Civil War were in the extremities. * Most wounds were caused by an elongated bullet made of soft lead, about an inch long, pointed at one end and hollowed out at the base, and called a "minie" ball. * Black soldiers were paid $10 per month while serving in the Union army. This was $3 less than white soldiers. * Artillery was used extensively, but only about 10 percent of the wounded were the victims of artillery fire. * General Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate forces, traveled with a pet hen that laid one egg under his cot every morning. Fully armed, a soldier carried about seven pounds of ammunition. His cartridge box contained 40 rounds, and an additional 60 rounds might be conveyed in the pocket if an extensive battle was anticipated.

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Q: How many people died in the US Civil War from artillery fire?
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Where were the first of the civil war?

The first shots were artillery fire from the Union's Fort Sumter in South Carolina.

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The Civil War began on Apr.12, 1861 at 4,30 AM, when the Confederate artillery opened fire on Fort Sumter.

Where were the first shots of th civil war?

The first shots were artillery fire from the Union's Fort Sumter in South Carolina.

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The new rifled-barrelled artillery greatly extended the range of accurate fire.

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The large naval artillery could fire a round 23 miles. The army and coastal artillery could fire about that far. Field Artillery were not as large and had a shorter range. Modern artillery has used rocket assisted artillery shells but I'm not sure of the range of those.

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The 1862 Battle of Cedar Mountain began with a fierce fire of artillery by the batteries of Confederate Brigadier General Charles Winder. His artillery hammered Union forces for two hours. Winder received a mortal wound during the battle and he died within a short time.

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The Confederates - with artillery fire from Charleston, across the harbour to the tiny island-garrison of Fort Sumter.

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In the American Civil War, there were widely used Artillery Cannons that were known as Napoleon Cannons. The proper name for these cannons were the 12 Pound Cannons, due to the fact they were designed to fire shots that weighed 12 pounds.

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What was the most effective way that artillery was used in the US Civil War?

Generally speaking, artillery in the US Civil War was used in the most effective manner by concentrating their fire at targeted units of enemy forces. They lost their effectiveness if the guns were distributed piecemeal along an infantry line. The targeted focus became even more effective if the artillery pieces could be coordinated into a cross fire against prime enemy targets. As battlefield situations often changed rapidly, this called for commanders to agree on what targets the combined cross fires should be used.

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Artillery bombardment is when massed artillery fire at the same target area and obliterate it. This came to it's greatest use in WW1 by both sides.

What does artillery fire?

most current U S military artillery fires shells with a caliber of 105mm,or 155mm.