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It was announced by the various supreme commands. This announcement was passed down to all units of the armed forces, and each unit commander would then have informed the men and women under his or her command. However, all units would generally have been informed beforehand that the order would be issued at a certain time, when official surrenders were signed, so they would have been ready for it.

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Q: How did the soldiers know when World War 2 ended?
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When did the soldiers come home after World War 2 ended?

Once the post WW2 events ended, such as the deciding about what to do with Germany and the war trials. It was actually a short while before the soldiers were sent home after World War 2.

The baby booms started the year the war ended and the soldiers came home but which war was it in?

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What officially ended the World War 2?

lthe Canadian army killed all of the German soldiers and declared the winnig of the second world war

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Several Japanese soldiers hid in the jungles of Southeast Asia for many years after World War II ended. The most famous was Hiroo Onoda, who remained in active resistance until 1974.

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dont know you tell me what happened?

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German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.

How do you summarize a event like World War 1?

soldiers killing other soldiers in cold blood, explosions happening everywhere, lots of ships sank, Russia pulled out of the war because of the revolution, America joining in the war and sorely after the war ended.

What was the relationship between the soldiers and their enemies in World War 1?

i dont know lol.

What ended the World War 1?

your mom ended world war 1