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Canada willingly contributed to helping Britain in World War 1. When Britain recognized Canada's new strength they gave them more independence.

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Q: How did Canada become more independent after World War I?
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Did Canada break away from another country to become independent?

Not so much break as don't let the door hit you on the way out. Britain had been making more than a few suggestions that Canada should be taking care of things themselves. So when Canada Confederated they were quick to rubber stamp it. As to Independent, well lots of people would suggest Canada is far from independent.

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A child should be educated so they can learn about the world and how to become more independent.

How can you become more independent?

by doing things on your own and be and independent person

Why has the world become more independent in recent years?

Because of the 4 economic systems:market,command,mixed,and traditional economies

Was Canada involved during the world wars?

Yes. Canada was involved in both world wars. When World War 1 broke out in 1914, Canada who was then a dominion of the United Kingdom quickly followed immediately and without hesitation backed the United Kingdom's declaration war on Germany. This lead Canada to become more independent by it's sacrifices and contribution. 600,000 Canadians served in World War 1. World War 2 broke out with the declaration of war between the United Kingdom and Germany, Canada who was now an independent country, declared war on Germany 10 days later. Canada aided Britain with military power, protection and personnel. 1.1 million men and women served in uniform for Canada during ww2, and by the end of the second world war, Canada would possess the fourth largest air force and third largest naval surface fleet in the world.

Why is it not fair that refugees are accepted into Canada faster than independent Immigrants?

It is not fair that refugees are accepted into Canada faster than independent immigrants who desire to be in the country. The independent immigrant may be a more skilled worker or business immigrant, and may fit requirements of the immigration point system better than the refugee. If not a serious worker, the refugee may become a burden on the countries economy. Making the independent immigrant more deserving. The refugee can also take advantage of the countries taxing and work system and become reliant on the government. Because the government must support the refugee, he or she may not become a strong member of society. The refugee can also be lying about the direct threat to his or her life. He or She may take advantage of the political situation in their home country and enter Canada under false refugee claims. Although the threat to the refugee may be existing, many more deserving independent immigrants are waiting to be accepted into the Canada.

Who did the colonies become independent from?

Europe. more specifically, Britain

How did technology change the lifestyles of many young people?

Young people became more independent (apex)

Why didn't the British want Canada to be united?

Because when the colonies were all seperated (divided, not one country) it was easy for Britain to control them. But if Canada joined, the would become stronger and more independent. Britain might loose its relationship with Canada. Joining all the colonies together would make them very strong

Why did Monaghan not become part of Northern Ireland?

There were more Catholics there than Protestants, and more want to become a part of the new independent country.

What was the shift in the British attitudes that helped spark a desire for a more independent Canada?

The attitude that Britain should not be defending Canada from the Americans was a big one.

Did Canada become independent by asking nicely?

Canada's independence was a matter of mutual agreement with Great Britain. It was a "win-win" situation. -------- The question suggests Canada is independent today, which it is not except for small local matters. Today Canada is a protectorate of the USA and answers to the USA on all major questions of defense, trade and international politics. The USA patrols Canadian airspace and waters and Canada has recently entered into border deals that would see Canada "share" enforcement with the country 10X it's size. Only a Canadian would think of Canada as independent. As for Confederation, Canada did not have to ask, in fact Britain had been pushing for Canada to defend itself and become independent many decades before Confederation. Britain was also quick to give over to Canada all other territories and possessions held by Britain in North America. Britain also supported the purchase of Rupert's Land. It was more a case of being told than asking. Something that upset the Canadian delegation when they witnessed the rapid passing of the British North America Act in the British parliament.