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Regulars were issued arms. Irregulars often supplied their own.

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Q: Did the soldiers in the Civil War bring their own guns to use?
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Related questions

Who used the guns in the civil war?

Soldiers on both sides

Did the soldiers use machine guns in the civil war?

no they used swords

What were the civil war camps for?

they were used to put union or confederate soldiers in or to exchange them for their guns to continue the war.

How were railroads used in the civil war?

They were use bring suppplies, and soldiers to the battle field

Did soldiers fight in the Civil War?

Yes, soldiers fought in the Civil War. Sadly, that is the fact of war.

When was Civil War Soldiers Museum created?

Civil War Soldiers Museum was created in 1991.

What was the role of the soldiers of the civil war in the civil war?

The same as white soldiers, to shoot and be shot at.

How guns changed the Civil War?

The civil war was more deadly.

Did the soldiers die in the civil war because of the new guns?

The new rifled-barrelled artillery greatly extended the range of accurate fire.

How many soldiers were blinded during the civil war?

there were 10 blinded soldiers during the civil war

What did soldiers do for entertainment in the Civil War?

in the civil war the soldiers didnt get to do anything for enteertainment they had to fight a lot

How heavy were civil war guns?

15- 20 lbs was the common weight of civil war guns not artillery just guns rifles and muskets included