sometimes they did but more often than not when the opposing sides met at night they would trade things such as food, coffee, and tobacco. Trade went on esspecially when the people were alone or in groups of two or three.
Who is he - about 5 million people fought in the US Civil War.
Yankee is a term given to people who fought for the North during the civil war.
Women did not fight in the Civil War. But, some did dress up like men to help out in the war.
sent people to fight on both sides
Civil War
people in the civil was fighting to end slavery
This is known as a Civil War.
Civil war
Who is he - about 5 million people fought in the US Civil War.
she helped people fight laws
A revolution is a fight between a government and its people. A civil war is a war between people against people within the country.
It is classed as a civil war.
she helped people fight laws
Yes, it was very hard to fight in the Civil War, and roughly half a million people died in that war.
Yes. People from Missouri fought on both sides during the American Civil War.
He did not fight for civil WAR! he fought for civil RIGHTS and liberties