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There are a net of blood vessels close to the surface under the tongue and this gives a true reading of the temperature of the blood (and hence the body).

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Q: Why do the doctors keep the thermometer under the tongue?
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How long do you keep a mercury thermometer under you tongue?

You should keep a mercury thermometer under your tongue for 3-4 minutes to ensure an accurate reading.

Why do you keep thermometer under the tongue?

Measuring body temperature by keeping thermometer under the tongue is a convenient standardfor measuring one's body temperature. Other places used for keeping the thermometer includethe armpit and the rectum.

Why the thremometer is keep under the tongue?

It means you put the the thermometer under the tonge so it can take you tempoture or if you don't like putting it under your tongue put it up your butt like they do with babies

Why do you keep a thermometer under the tongue?

A thermometer is kept under the tongue to measure core body temperature accurately. The temperature of the mouth closely reflects internal body temperature, making it a common site for temperature measurement.

How does thermometer help us?

in medical terms a thermometer helps doctors to see if we have a temperature in whether it helps us keep track of how the temperatures change through the years

How long should you keep the thermometer under your tongue?

You must hold your mouth closed and keep the thermometer in place for a certain period of time. If you have a digital thermometer, it will tell you when it's "done". If you are using an old "mercury thermometer", the thermometer must stay under the tongue for at least a minute to 2 minutes.NOTE: Mercury thermometers are being phased out. The mercury inside is highly toxic and you should dispose of all mercury thermometers by taking them to a recycling center that handles that. DO NOT THROW IT IN THE TRASH. Mercury is poisonous to every living thing.UPDATE: GERATHERM offers MERCURY FREE thermometers that work the same as the mercury ones. They are supposed to be safe.

How is temperature taken through an oral placement?

Temperature is taken orally by placing a thermometer under the tongue towards the back of the mouth. The person should keep their mouth closed for a few minutes until the thermometer beeps or signals that the reading is complete. It is important to ensure that the thermometer is in place properly and that the person has not consumed any hot or cold substances recently.

Why clinical thermometer is placed under tongue or armpit?

Clinical thermometers are placed under the tongue or in the armpit because these areas give a good indication of the body's core temperature. The mouth and armpit are areas where blood vessels are close to the surface, making temperature readings more accurate. Placing the thermometer in these areas helps provide a reliable measurement of body temperature.

Big balls under your tongue?

Pull them out and tell him to keep them in his pants!

How do you use the clinical theamometer?

1.shake the thermometer vigorously so that the murcery goes below the normal mark 2.keep the rhermometer either in the armpit or under the tongue of the person whose temperature is to be taken 3.wait for 2 minutes 4.take out the thermometer and read the mark where the silver mark of mercury ends

What can you do to keep your tongue piercing on without one of the little balls?

If you're missing one of the balls, put the ring in so that the only ball is under your tongue. This will keep it from being pushed out.

How does a thermometer keep your home at a constant temperature?

It doesn't A thermometer doesn't keep your home at a certain temp. a thermometer tells the temp. of a place.