Supposedly, it is to them what one would think of the middle finger in the United States... a vulgar hand gesture.
it is the Chinese finger.
It's does not mean anything
I believe that the Chinese swearing finger is the pinkie.
The pinky is the Chinese middle finger A chicken finger is the Chinese middle finger. Improved answer: The pinky is NOT the Chinese middle finger. I know, because I'm Chinese! The middle finger is the same. Also, where in the world did you get chicken finger from?
The pinky is your little finger.
Yes, the pinky is considered a finger. It is often referred to as the little finger or pinky finger.
what does it mean to have a mole on your right pinky finger
The pinky finger is the little finger. The word "pinky" comes from the Dutch word "pink" which means little finger.
Put your pinky finger up with all the other fingers including fumb are closed.
can be more then one thing, pinky from the color pink or pinky like the little finger
A pinky ring is worn on the pinky finger of either the right or left hand. The pinky finger is the smallest finger and located the farthest from the thumb.
the rude finger is the pinky (little finger)