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german slang for very cool

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Q: What does obergeil maean?
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What does forebuilding maean?

It is a building at the entrance of a castle

What does invader maean?

invader, like someone who invades your privacy. it means like trespassing.

What does brakah maean in Hebrew?

If you mean "brachah" (ברכה), it means "blessing". There's no such Hebrew word as brakah.

What does Lawl maean?

It means LOL Just nerds sound it out to make it sound like lawl

What do you maean by urbanisation?

Urbanisation is the increase of the proportion of people living in urban areas (towns and cities).

What does it maean when you are casually browsing webpages?

Normally looking through the internet, no goal really, just looking.

Where is the air conditioning condenser drain on a 1997 ford escort?

I assume you maean evaporator drain should be in the area behind the right front wheel

What is the current price of HMS1 and 2?

It all depends on what you maean. DVD or CD. Anyway DVD is about 12-23 dollars and the CD is about 22-25 dollars.

How can i stop biting my lips i have tried everything and i maean EVERYTHING habit is insanely bad and now i have blisters and i bleed a lot what can i do i am desperate?

There are plenty of easy answers on this, but we believe the problems is likely deep-seated and related to something else. We suggest seeing a counselor or therapist who can help you work through the underlying issues.

What is maean by mucoadhesive properties?

Mucoadhesive properties refer to the ability of a material to adhere to the mucosal surfaces of the body, such as the inner lining of the mouth or gastrointestinal tract. This property allows for sustained contact between the material and the mucosa, which can improve drug delivery, enhance absorption, and prolong the residence time of formulations at the site of application.

What is the maean?

To find the mean of two or more numbers you add all the numbers together and divide by how ever many numbers there are.Example:find the mean of the following numbers: 25, 10, 13, & 4step 1: add the numbers together 25+10+13+4=52step 2: divide the answer by 4 because you were told to find the mean of 4 numbers 52/4=13step 3: the answer is 13

What is it maean by retailer may use its finance to acquire key locations to prevent a competitor?

The Retailer would look to buy new or existing outlets in the new area thus taking over the market share and therefore blocking out the competitors chances. Some locations may through planning control only allow a certain number of large outlets to operate within their catchment - simply put first come first served.