There is an average weight in relation to height but there is no ideal or perfect weight for a 6-year-old girl because weight is related to height and body composition rather than age. For in-depth information about weight in relation to height, and to see the distribution of weights and heights of children at various ages, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
the average weight is: 126 pounds
The average weight is 22 pounds for a healthy baby girl.
The answer depends on the girl's age.
The average weight for a two year old girl is 28.4 lbs. Hope this helps!
The average weight for a 4'6 10 year old girl is about five stone.
There is no average weight. Some are larger others are smaller.
Average weight would be 125 pounds.
The average weight for a 14 year old girl is about 8.5 stone - 9 stone :)
117 pounds is the average weight for a 4'11, 8 year old girl.
your average weight is 71kgs (156.2 lbs) if your weight is more than this average weight becomes better for you to lose extra weight
The average weight for a girl who is 14 years old and is 5' 0" is 120 pounds. The desired weight should be 100 pounds.