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The first instrument to measure pulse was Galileos pulsilogium.The modern instreument is the electronic spgynomanometer that includes and integrated electronic device to measure both blood pressure and pulse.
There are three main ways pulse is measured. The first is a simple mechanical experimental device with brass tack and a light stick stuck at the pointed tip to move with each pulse similar in the use of the index and middle fingers on one of the pulse points and time how many beats there are per minute (usually measuring for 30 seconds then doubling you result). The next mothod involves an instrument called a pulse meter which comes in a few forms. The first instrument was constructed by Galileo called pulsilogium. The most comon used by physicians is the rubber cone that goes over the finger and does the same as the first method just mechanically. The third way is to use an electric spgygnomanometer (a machine for measureing blood pressure) which usually have an integrated puls meter.

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