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This is not something you can choose to do. Sometimes a little accident happens during conception or during production of the sperm cell.

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how i inrease y chromosome.

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What men should eat to increase Y sperm?

Increase Y chromosome sperm? Can't happen, ONE X and ONE Y chromosome in each

What eat increase y chromosome?

onion & lemons increase production y sperms.

Does an x chromosome looks the same as a y chromosome?

No. An 'X' chromosome looks like an 'X'. The 'Y' chromosome looks like a deformed 'X'. It is noticeably different to an 'X' chromosome. Also, the 'Y' chromosome is only a third of the size of an 'X' chromosome - an 'X' chromosome is 155 million base pares, while the 'Y' chromosome is only 58 million base pairs.

How do you increase 'y' sperm homeopathic medicine name?

You don't. There is no specific "Y" sperm. You can't increase a chromosome count anyway. All males have one x and one y, all women have two x's. The Y chromosome is the sex determining chromosome, triggering the development of the testicles in males. And of course this is to the exception of several cases of males having two x's but still having one y, but the world isn't run on exceptions now is it? What would you be trying to accomplish with this anyway?

Why is x chromosome called x?

An X chromosome is known as an X chromosome based on its shape, which resembles an X. The Y chromosome resembles a Y.

What are the x and y chromazones?

The Y chromosome is the male sex chromosome, but males also carry a X chromosome from their mother. XY. The female sex chromosome is the Y chromosome; YY is female. ( generally, as sex chromosome number in both sexes can vary )

Why is the y chromosome useful for tracing ancestry?

The y-chromosome is only present in males. Men will a y-chromosome identical to that of their father, and his father, and his father, etc.

What chromosome is the sex determining chromosome?

That would be the chromosome number 23. Regarding the [sex] chromosome number 23, the female gametes always have a [haploid] X chromatid, whereas the male gametes are just as likely to possess a [haploid] X chromatid as they are to possess a [haploid] Y chromatid.

In humans a male has?

One X chromosome and one Y chromosome, which determines male sex characteristics.

The Y chromosome is larger and carries fewer genes than the X chromosome?

The Y chromosome is smaller than the X chromosome and carries fewer genes because it has lost many genes over evolutionary time. The Y chromosome primarily carries genes involved in male sex determination and development.

Men have one of y?

The y chromosome. The chromosome pair that determine sex (gender) can have x and y chromosomes; men have one X and one Y chromosome, women have to X chromosomes.

What portion of the human Y chromosome is homologous to the human X chromosome?

The pseudoautosomal regions (PARs) at the tips of the Y chromosome are homologous to regions on the X chromosome. These PARs are responsible for pairing and recombination between the X and Y chromosomes during meiosis. About 5% of the Y chromosome is homologous to the X chromosome in humans.