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1. Gossip 14. Twister

2. Tell secrets 15. Guitar Hero Sorry, its not 100, but its all I can

3. Watch movies 16. Do nails think of!

4. Eat Pizza 17. Be loud!

5. Pillow fight 18. Pranks

6. Dance party! 19. Facials

7. Truth or dare 20. Silly string fight!

8. Would u rather 21. Scary Stories

9. Eat a lot of sweets! 22. Roast Marsh mellows

10. Makeovers 23. Fashion show!

11. Ghost in graveyard 24. Make random videos

12. Prank calls 25. Surf the web

13. No bed time! 26. Read magizienes

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15y ago
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14y ago

gossip, pass notes, scary stories, funny stories, makeovers, fashion show,nails, facial, crafts, roast marshmellows, play twister, sorry, clue, zap, do hair, pillow fights, dance off, Karaoke, surf the web, read magizenes (GL i luv!), prank calls, truth or dare, would you rather, its not 100, buts its all I can think of!

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Q: 100 things to do at a sleepover?
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Can someone please help what things can you do for a sleepover?

Eat a lot

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pranks. lol

What are fifty fun things to do at a sleepover?

Eat and Drink junk food is one

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You might buy new pajamas and snacks for your own sleepover. Some people like to serve pizza or watch movies and eat popcorn at a sleepover, so you might also buy those things.

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How do you have fun with friends?

Just simple things like going to the park, into town, to somebodies house, a sleepover or makeovers and things like that!

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What are cool things to do at a sleepover?

There are so many fun things to do at a sleepover, like playing games and watching movies. The member of the slumber party can also play pranks on each other, the first one asleep put the clothes in the freezer, face painting people that are asleep.

In which category are there questions about sleepover games?

Search Sleepover games then you will see a list of things at the top it will say answered questions with sleepover games in all catagories Click on answered Then a little tab will come up then click on unanswered I know it is a lot of work i don't even know how i figured it out myself

How do you make the most of your time at a sleepover?

If you so happen to throw a sleepover or be invited to one, the answer to how to spend your time is to have fun and enjoy it. It good to go to a sleepover in which you know your friends are going to intend. Just do stuff or talk about things that will entertain you and also them. In other words just have fun!