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MATLAB has a number of advantages over other methods or languages:

  • Its fundamental data element is the matrix. A straightforward integer is measured an matrix of one row and one column. Several mathematical operations that work on arrays or matrices are built-in to the Matlab environment. For example, cross-products, dot-products, determinants, inverse matrices.
  • Vectorized operations. Adding two arrays together needs only one command, instead of a for or while loop.
  • The graphical output is optimized for interaction. You can plot your data very easily, and then change colors, sizes, scales, etc, by using the graphical interactive tools.
  • Matlab's functionality can be greatly expanded by the addition of toolboxes. These are sets of specific functions that provided more specialized functionality. Ex: Excel link allows data to be written in a format recognized by Excel, Statistics Toolbox allows more specialized statistical manipulation of data (Anova, Basic Fits, etc)

There are also disadvantages:

  • It uses a large amount of memory and on slow computers it is very hard to use.
  • It sits "on top" of Windows, getting as much CPU time as Windows allows it to have. This makes real-time applications very complicated.

Notice: Matlab in not only a programming language, but a programming environment as well.

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Matlab is a licensed software. But if we require Matlab material or documentation, we can get it from its official website.

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Someone construction job software programs are AutoCad and Matlab. AutoCad is a design program where building and materials can be shown clearly. Matlab is used for calculations.

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MATLAB is a software program that helps people with doing math. More specifically, it helps people with visualization, programming, and computation. MATLAB plotting should be done in plot edit mode.

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In general, many kinds of software, including CAD (computer aided design) software like AutoCAD or CATIA, process simulation software, math software (like Mathematica or Matlab), spreadsheets, charting software, diagramming software (like Visio), statistical software (like S or Minitab).

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no way... use awgn function in matlab

How do you modulate in matlab without using matlab tools?

You would have to write your own code for a modulation (Matlab has a convolution function not in the tools), otherwise you can use its built in function in the signal processing toolbox.

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The cheapest portfolio software is BARRA and MATLAB. However, it's possible to use Excel for a portfolio. If you already have this software, as a lot of Windows computers do, you could create a portfolio using software you already own.

Is there matlab compiler in matlab?

Matlab comes with a free C compiler. It also has a script compiler in some versions. In addition you can use many commercial compilers if you have one. See (link moved to link section)

What is the language used in matlab?

The language used in MATLAB is also called MATLAB. It is a high-level programming language that is designed for numerical and scientific computing. MATLAB was created to provide a simple and efficient way to solve complex mathematical problems and perform data analysis.