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Because several German princes were Protestant as well and opposed the Catholic Church.

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Q: Why was the condemnation of Luther in 1521 at Worms not enforced by the German nobility?
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Why was the condemnation of Luther in 1521 at worms not enforced by the German society?

Soon after leaving the Imperial Diet Luther was kidnapped by men acting on the orders of his protector, the Elector of Saxony. He was taken to the Wartburg - a castle - and disguised as a knight. He lived there until it was safe for him to emerge from hiding.

What are the three pamphlets wrote by martin Luther?

I don't know all three but i know two of them. The first was called "To The Christian Nobility of The German Nation" and "On The Babylonish Captivity of he Church" Hope that helped!

What was the appeal to the christian nobility of the German nation?

This was a pamphlet written by german reformer Luther. Its main argument was the successive popes had perverted true Christianity. Luther brought this to the attention of leaders presuming the leaders wanted change as well. princes=power, influence and a better chance of change and reform. he argued the papacy had given up its responsibility to repress abuses.

In 1517 German priest name?

Martin Luther

What year did Martin Luther translate the English Bible into German?

He didn't.When Martin Luther (and NOT Martin Luther King) translated the Bible into German, it was from Greek and not English that he worked.The Luther German New Testament translation was pu1blished in 1522. The Old Testament followed in 1534.

The German theologian is credited with beginning the Protestant reformation?

Martin Luther

Was Martin Luther German?

Yes he was.

What was martin luther's nationality?


What book did Martin Luther the German monk translate into German?

He translated the Bible into German.

German monk who attacked indulgences?

That would be Martin Luther

A German reformer?

Try Martin Luther

Into which language did Luther translate the bible?
