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Genesis gives two parallel stories of Abraham where he got tangled up in his deviousness. First he told the Pharaoh that his wife Sarah was his sister, for fear that the Pharaoh would kill him in order to have sex with her (Genesis 12:13), only to be found out and banished from Egypt. Later (Genesis 20:2ff), this time for fear that Abimelech, king of Gerar, would kill him in order to have sex with his by now quite elderly wife (Sarah was now over 90 years old and stricken with age), Abraham again said that Sarah really was his sister.

Just as Abraham tried to pass Sarah off as his sister while visiting the palace of Abimelech king of Gerar, so did Isaac, his son, try to pass his wife Rebekah off as his sister to the same king, once again for fear that the king would kill him in order to have sex with her (Genesis 26:6-11). It should be questioned why Abraham and Isaac believed that Egyptians and Gerarites would only attempt to have sex with a woman after killing her husband, and why they would not kill her brother in order to achieve the same ends. It must also have been remarkable that the king and the citizens of Gerar never suspected, nor became annoyed with the Abraham family after two failed attempts to deceive them.

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Q: Why was Abimelech interested in Abraham's wife Sarah in the Bible?
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