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The word 'Jehovah' is a German translation of the Hebrew word 'Yahweh' (originally spelt 'YHWH'), the name given to God by the early Hebrews of the southern kingdom of Judah. A different name ('Elohim') seems to have been used in the northern kingdom of Israel, and the later Jews used variants of the Israelite name. So strictly speaking, 'Jehovah' was never in The Bible; 'Yahweh' was, but only in some parts. Rather than attempt to transliterate (without translation) each reference to the deity, most English language Bibles, simply translate all as 'God' or 'Lord'.

"Jehovah" is the best known English pronunciation of the divine name, although "Yahweh" is favored by most Hebrew scholars. The oldest Hebrew manuscripts present the name in the form of four consonants, commonly called the Tetragrammaton.

AnswerAt some point a superstitious idea arose among the Jews that it was wrong even to pronounce the divine name Jehovah. Just what basis was originally assigned for discontinuing the use of the name is not definitely known. Some hold that the name was viewed as being too sacred for imperfect lips to speak. Yet the Hebrew Scriptures themselves give no evidence that any of God's true servants ever felt any hesitancy about pronouncing his name. Non-Biblical Hebrew records, such as the so-called Lachish Letters, show the name was used in regular correspondence in Palestine during the latter part of the seventh century B.C.E.

**Another view is that the intent was to keep non-Jewish peoples from knowing the name and possibly misusing it. However, Jehovah himself said that he would 'have his name declared in all the earth' (Ex 9:16; compare 1Ch 16:23, 24; Ps 113:3; Mal 1:11, 14), to be known even by his adversaries. (Isa 64:2)

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Q: Why was 'Jehovah' removed from the Bible?
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How many times is Jehovah mentioned in the Witnesses bible?

Over 7,000 times. Some or most translations have removed His name and replaced it with Lord.

How many times is the word Jehovah used in the esv bible?

The name Jehovah is not used in the English Standard Version of the Bible.

Where is Jehovah Shammah in the Bible?

Jehovah-Shammah (Yehwah′ Sham′mah), meaning: "Jehovah Himself Is There" can be found at Ezekiel 48:35.

Who took Jehovah's name out of the Bible?

The word Jehovah is contained four times in the KJV of the bible. It was never taken out.The original Hebrew text contains the name Jehovah (Hebrew consonants for YHWH) more than 7000 times, so yes, it was taken out. Translators chose to remove it from the Bible to honour the Jewish tradition which held that the devine name was too sacred to be pronounced.According to The New World Translation, printed by Jehovah's Witnesses, reference Bible page 1564 it says, ''Sometime during the second or third century C.E. the scribes removed the Tetragrammaton from both the Septuagint and the Christian Greek Scriptures and replaced it with Ky′ri‧os, "Lord" or The‧os′, "God."

Does the catholic bible contain the word Jehovah?

The word "Jehovah" is the German translation of the Hebrew word "YHWH/Yahweh". "Jehovah" entered the English language in the nineteenth century, when German scholars were at the forfront of biblical research. The modern Catholic bible would probably not have Jehovah but either the actual "YHWH" or "Lord".

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How many times is Jehovah mentioned in the Witnesses bible?

Over 7,000 times. Some or most translations have removed His name and replaced it with Lord.

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Yes because the Bible commands us to honour our parents and Jehovah's Witnesses strive to live by bible standards.

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Not really sure what the question is but the ''New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures'' is the Bible used by Jehovah's Witnesses.

How many times is the word Jehovah used in the esv bible?

The name Jehovah is not used in the English Standard Version of the Bible.

What is the definition of Jehovah's Witnesses?

A Jehovah's Witness is someone who gives testimony (witnesses) about Jehovah, the God of the Bible.

How man types of Jehovah are in the bible?

There are many gods mentioned in the bible as god is a title. There is only one Jehovah as he is the true god

Who is Jehovah adonhai?

This is the name of the God of the Bible.

Where is Jehovah Shammah in the Bible?

Jehovah-Shammah (Yehwah′ Sham′mah), meaning: "Jehovah Himself Is There" can be found at Ezekiel 48:35.

Who sent a message to Jehovah's Witnesses?

the bible is our message..the people who wrote the bible.which came from Jehovah

Who made Jehovah?

Jehovah is the name of Almighty God in the bible. He had no maker or creator but is infinite and had no beginning.

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Up until 1931 Jehovah's Witnesses were known as "Bible Students" (the International Association of Earnest Bible Students - IAEBS).

What does Jehovah's Witnesses mean?

Jehovah's Witnesses is the name of a Christian Group that worship the God of The Bible, identified therein as "Jehovah". They are best known for their "Witnessing" or speaking about the gospel.Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian Group."Jehovah" is the English transliteration of the name of God found in the bible (YHWH) and a Witnesses is someone that testifies (speaks) about what they know or have seen, thus a Jehovah's Witnesses is someone that speaks about what they believe to be true about the God of the bible.