Roman numerals are very difficult to do mathematics with, and do not work at all in advanced mathematics as the roman numeral system has no concept of zero, negative numbers, fractions, powers, or decimals.
Roman numbers are totally impractical for doing any math - such as addition, or multiplication.
As any other roman numerals...with letters.
Roman numerals are used as numbers. For example, the roman numeral for the number one is an I. The system can be used for any number.
they use roman numerals in films to show you when it was made but i dont know about any countries that use it
Roman numerals do not have any symbol occurring consecutively more than three (or sometimes four) times. A number such as 56 000 would be written as the symbol LVI (the Roman numeral for 56) with a horizontal line over the top. The horizontal line indicates the number is multiplied by ten thousand.The remainder of the number would be written as 789 is normally written: DCCLXXXIV
Roman numbers are totally impractical for doing any math - such as addition, or multiplication.
As any other roman numerals...with letters.
MCMXC. If you have any more questions similar to this, there are some programs online. Just type roman numeral converter into Google or Ask or whatever.
um they dont have any
Roman numerals are used as numbers. For example, the roman numeral for the number one is an I. The system can be used for any number.
basically lines, numbers etc. sorry i dont know any more and im only 12 years old.
I dont get it
they use roman numerals in films to show you when it was made but i dont know about any countries that use it
Crime is more of a problem today because in roman times it was punishable by death so less people commited any crimes,where as today people dont realy care if they commit a crime because they know they will get away with it.
i dont no
An alphanumeric is any of the characters of an alphabetical or numeric set, in Roman script these are the letters A to Z and the numbers 0 to 9.