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It can be related to a number of factors. There is simply a lack of a macho drive here. Women don't feel this need to prove themselves as much by using a violent suicide method to prove a sense of worth.

Women by their very natures are less aggressive to an extent, unless pushed into certain situations, and then there may be overkill. That is why police departments may train female officers harder than men. That way, any inner feelings of vulnerability won't cause her to immediately use her firearm when a male officer would use less than lethal means to control a situation. They don't want female officers over-compensating for a lack of upper body strength.

Also, social pressures and how women are encouraged to be more courteous play a role here. A guy doesn't think that someone will have to clean up after his suicide, or just doesn't care. There is no thought about whether it will be "messy" or not. A woman getting ready to commit suicide may be more likely to tidy up the place, choose a method of suicide that is easier to clean up after, and dress up nice before doing it, and try to stage it as a nap.

However, the roles in this are sometimes reversed as teens, where girls may be more impulsive in how they choose suicide, while the teen boy might be more thoughtful and more prepared. This just goes to show that tendencies aren't always reliable to go by.

Of course, there are women who want to defy stereotypes, nature, and perceptions when they take this exit. So they may try a more aggressive method to try to make a political statement about suicide.

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Q: Why do women tend to choose less aggressive suicide methods?
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How do woman usually commit suicide?

In first world countries, women tend to choose poisoning or drug overdose. Males are more likely to choose hanging, severing arteries or a gun shot.

Do black women or white women commit suicide the most?

White women are most likely to commit suicide out of the two. Please see related links below.

Do suicide rates vary by sex and race?

Yes, suicide rate vary greatly by sex and race. For example, males are much more likely to complete a suicide. Women attempt suicide much more often, but complete to death less.

How many people commit suicide using guns?

In America, the foremost means of committing suicide (arguably) is with guns -- mostly handguns. Men choose this method quite frequently; women somewhat less so, preferring poisons. Exact numbers are hard to obtain, for quite a few reasons. For example, it's often easier on the survivors if the event can be called an accident instead of an acutal suicide, so reporting is less than spot on.

Are men or women more likely to commit suicide?

Suicidal tendencies actually have very little to do with gender. Our suicidal tendencies are actually culturally developed. In the western world for example, men are more likely to commit suicide because they are led to be independent and usually have access to the tools to do so (guns, construction equipment, etc). Women on the other hand usually have a group of support and rarely have access to the tools. In the middle-east, suicide rates are highest amongst women. This is usually due to the fact that women are oppressed and forced to live a life they don't want. They see suicide as their only means of escape. In Asia, both men and women are equally likely to commit suicide. Asians are very hard working and have very little periods of rest, which leads to mental exhaustion, depression then suicide. So the answer to your question depends massively on the country or culture that you are referring to.

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In first world countries, women tend to choose poisoning or drug overdose. Males are more likely to choose hanging, severing arteries or a gun shot.

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White women are most likely to commit suicide out of the two. Please see related links below.

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No; they are about the same.

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Men are more likely to commit suicide compared to women, with higher rates observed in many countries globally. However, women are more likely to attempt suicide, but men tend to choose more lethal methods, leading to higher rates of completion.

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To the Contrary - 1992 Women Suicide Bombers 12-38 was released on: USA: 5 December 2003

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Men choose more forceful ways to commit suicide, leaving a much smaller chance for discovery, or survival. Men use guns at a very high rate. Also, you must take into consideration the cultural/genetic differences between men and women. Women are more verbal, and are far more likely to seek out help, whereas men more often suffer in silence, and then die the same way.

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It all depends.

Is suicide more common in men or women?

According to the related links below, males are four times as likely to commit or attempt suicide than females.

How many suicides are women?

theirs about 3,000 women that commit suicide every yearn in the united states.