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They used numerals because that was the system which they gradually developed over a long period of time. If someone had introduced them to the current system of numbers they would probably have used that instead, they just didn't know about it.

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Q: Why did the Romans use letters for their numerals instead of numbers?
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Who used letters instead of numbers?

The Romans did but these letters or numerals represented numbers.

What is Romans numerals and some example?

Roman numerals are numbers that used to be used instead of the numbers today. They are letters that stand for numbers. Examples: III : 3 V : 5 XI : 11 LX : 60

Why are roman numerals composed of letters?

because the Ancient Romans did not have symbols for numbers.

Why did the Romans use Roman numerals?

Roman numerals were the symbols developed by the Ancient Romans for counting and other numbering activities. The Romans used them because they developed them and that was what they knew. What do you use numbers for? They used them for the exact same things, instead of the kind of numbers we use, which are known as Arabic numerals.

What do Roman Numerals stand for?

They are system of letters used for calculations instead of numbers which were used by the Romans. M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1

Why did the Romans use numerals?

because they did not no numbers exist

What did Romans use Roman Numerals for?

Romans used Roman numerals as their form of numbers. Romans needed Roman Numerals because they needed numbers to count, tell time, and do other things in life that involved numbers. Roman numerals were used because they could all be scribed using a flat chisel i.e X I V M.

Where did the Romans get the idea to use letters for numbers?


What did the Romans use Roman numerals for?

the Romans did not knew the 1 2 3. so they used it for everything that involved numbers.

Why do you call them Roman numerals?

i call them roman numrals becaus Romans used them and they were numbers

Why were Roman Numerals created?

I believe it was because Romans could not count numbers so they created roman numerals which were almost like numbers in order to tell time and count.

Why is it called roman numerals?

Roman numerals are called so because they were used by the ancient Romans as their numbering system. The Romans adapted and modified the Etruscan numerals, which in turn were derived from the ancient Greek numeral system. The use of these numerals continued throughout the Roman Empire and have since become a widely recognized system for representing numbers in various contexts.