The bible does not mention it, but it is a Psalm of praise.
The Psalm 32 was written by king david.
David wrote Psalm 27 before he went out to battle against his enemy.Here it shows how confident David was about a victory.
Psalm 66 is written by David.
Psalm 100:1 - Psalm 98:4 100:2 - Psalm 2:11 100:4 - see 95:2 100:5 - 136:1
David wrote Psalm 38 through Psalm 47 :)
The bible does not mention it, but it is a Psalm of praise.
Psalm 28 was written by King David.
The Psalm 32 was written by king david.
The Venite or invitatory is taken from psalm (Psalm 95). In some prayer books this psalm may be shortened.
Leonhard Widmer wrote Swiss Psalm.
King David wrote Psalms 27.