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Jacob worked 7 years for his wife.

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Q: Who worked for 7 years for his wife in the Bible?
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Who worked for 7 years in exchange for a ticket to the colonies and land after their term was up?

An indentured servant was a person who worked for 7 years in exchange for passage to the colonies.

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No its 7 years i am pritty sure

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The youngest is Jo-ash, in the bible he was 7 years old.

Who is the person in the Bible that slept for 7 years straight?

I've read my Bible through and never found a story about a person that slept for seven years straight.

How long did Jacob live with laban?

According to Gensis 29:16-18,He worked 7 years for Rachel, and was deceived and was given Leah. After the wedding week with Leah, he got Rachel, in the promise of working another 7 years. The Bible tells that he stayed to work for Laben for additional years and grew rich from the herds. (God's blessings). Genesis 31:38 says "I have been with you for twenty years now. At this point Jacob was leaving.

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Jephthah judged for 6 years. Judges 12:7

What is my wife entitled to after 7 years of marriage in FL?

She will be entitled to what is her share legally.

How long is 70 weeks in the bible?

in the bible a week =7years so 1 week is 7 years so 70 weeks is 70x7=490 weeks or 490 years

Did tiresias have a wife?

No, Tiresias did not have a wife. He was a blind prophet of Thebes in Greek mythology. He is known for being transformed into a woman for 7 years.

When did Rachel become Jacob's wife?

After he had served his father-in-law for 7 years for her. He served 7 other years for his first wife, Leah, thinking he was getting Rachel, but Laban cheated him. You can read about it in Genesis 29. vs. 20 to 28.

How long did joseph's work for laban last?

14 years.. 7 for Leah and seven for rachel

What actors and actresses appeared in 24 Hours 7 Days 7 Years - 2012?

The cast of 24 Hours 7 Days 7 Years - 2012 includes: Lucy Sage as Wife Paul Sakoilsky as Paul