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Depends what you consider as 'important'; and for reasons only you would know.

  1. Adam: Without Adam we would not be alive; we were generated from him.
  2. Noah: Without Noah, we would not be alive; He obeyed Jehovah, and thus the human race was saved (likewise the animals).
  3. Abraham: He received God's promise, that the Savior of mankind would come in his line. Abraham was promised that not only would his own offspring be 'blessed'; but all other of mankind could be 'blessed' too.
  4. Issac: He represented that Savior, by his being willing of offer up his own life; as Jesus in fact actually did. His willingness thus 'guaranteed', like a 'title deed' in advance, that the Messiah would indeed also give his life in behalf of all mankind.
  5. David: Being anointed by God to be King; created the lineage leading to Christ, & thus giving Jesus the legal right to become King.
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