

Best Answer

His Name was Er. found in Gensis 38:7

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Q: Who was the first individual mentioned by name in Bible that was slain by God because of some evil doing?
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How do you honor The Bible?

By doing what the bible says and putting it into practice. (Luke 6)

How many times does Jesus mention the Church in the Bible?

I was told that Jesus mentioned the Church only once when He made the statement "on this rock I will build my Church". I am currently checking the words of Jesus in "red". Does anyone know where I can get the answer without doing word for word.

How many times does the word modest appear in the bible?

This word is interchangeable with other wordsBut in the Amplified Bible it's mentioned 5 timesIn the King James Version it is mentioned once - nearly all versions have the word modest in 1 Timothy 2:9The Message also has it 5 times but in different verses and not in 1 Timothy 2: 9.1 Timothy 2:9The Message (MSG) 8-10Since prayer is at the bottom of all this, what I want mostly is for men to pray-not shaking angry fists at enemies but raising holy hands to God. And I want women to get in there with the men in humility before God, not primping before a mirror or chasing the latest fashions but doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it.

Why do people use the Bible?

People Use The Bible For Many Reasons. Sometimes For Work (Vicar, Preist). Some people Feel That They Are Doing Justice And Showing God That They Respect Him/Her.

How does The Bible reprsent who you are?

Personally, I see the Bible as a humbler. It teaches lessons through both true stories and parables. When you learn the stories, you see how they relate to your life and how many times selfish ambitions get in the way of doing the right thing.

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What neighborhood did Jesus live?

according to the bible he was born in Bethlehem,he went around doing good but his neighborhood was not exactly mentioned

Why should you tell an individual what you doing when doing pressure area care?

Because of potential pain.

John Wycliffe and John Hus are important figures of the Protestant Reformation because?

because they told people what the bible really said and translated the bible. they protested against what the church was doing, and led the people to protest as well.

How do you honor The Bible?

By doing what the bible says and putting it into practice. (Luke 6)

Did the Catholics disapprove of Protestants because they believed that the Protestant denomination emphasized rituals and did not allow for individual thinking?

No, just the opposite. The Protestants didn't believe that the number of rituals were as important as the worship of God. They also believed that the Bible is the word of God, that anyone could read it, and that the language of the church service didn't have to be Latin.But pretty much the Catholics didn't like the Protestants because they said that the Catholic way of doing things wasn't good.The rituals are part of the worship of God. The Protestant reliance on the Bible and individual interpretation is the reason there are 300+ Protestant sects.

Are there any Bible versus for doing what is right?


What does the bible say you will be doing in heaven?

praising God!

If you read the bible believe and do what it teachs can you go to Heaven without going to church?

From the perspective of a committed Christian..... Bluntly, the answer is No. This is because going to Heaven depends on your relationship with Jesus - that is, do you accept Him as your Lord and Savior? (That wasn't mentioned in your question). Reading the Bible, obeying its commands, and going to church are all good things, but doing them as a way to gain Heaven means that you are replying on your own efforts and not God's grace (God's unearned favor as displayed by Jesus).

Where does it show in the bible that smoking weed a sin?

Pot smokers have been saying for years now that smoking marijuana is in the bible. I have heard so many things but the most popular is this: "And on the fourth month and 29th day, they smoked." I haven't been able to find that ANYWHERE. But here's the real question: Where does it say that it is wrong? Opium was around in those times yet it has never been mentioned that you should never smoke it. At least not the bible I have. Hope this helps.

Why do people in Mozambique live in extended families?

People in Mozambique live in extended families because it is part of their culture to do so, and because by doing so they can get by with less individual income.

Why would you leave 1.00 dollar to each child?

The main reason people do this is each child is mentioned in the will and given something. By doing so, they were not "not mentioned" in the will and cannot contest the will later. Some people contest a will by giving the excuse that just because one or more children were not mentioned in the will, the person who wrote it was not in their sound mind when it was written.

Should churches have legal control over individuals?

Churches should have legal control because he is guardian of the individual. He instruct the individual through the spiritual works of mercy. Man should allow himself to be corrected by his wrong doing because God instruct the church.