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Q: Who was roman in charge of cultivation in Syria at time of jesus birth?
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How did pontius pilate sentenced Jesus to death?

Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.Pontius Pilate was able to sentence Jesus to death because he had the authority to do so. Pilate was the procurator, or assistant to the governor of Syria, who was in charge of Judaea at the time of Jesus. Pilate acted in the name of the governor, who, in turn, acted in the name of the emperor.

What does Syria mean in reference to Jesus?

syria is a country

Who was the governor of Syria in Jesus's time?

Quirinius was governor of syria at that time?

Where did Jesus heal the Epileptic boy?


Name some places in Syria that relate to Jesus?

Damascus syria in masjed al aqsa Jesus will come to the masjed near judgment day

Why is there debate about the birth of Jesus Christ?

Because the Bible wrote contrary statements regarding Jesus' birth. According to Matthew 2:1, Jesus was born on or before 4 BCE (Herod died 4BCE). But according to Luke 2:1, Jesus was born on 6CE (AD). Cyrenius or Quirinius became Governor of Syria in 6CE.For more info, see related question "When was Jesus born?"

What did Syria look like in Jesus' time?


WHO was the roman governor in palestine when Jesus was put to death?

There was none. At the time of the death of Jesus, the area was ruled by the governor of Syria. Judaea had a procurator, who acted as the governor's assistant, and at the time of Jesus he was Pontius Pilate.There was none. At the time of the death of Jesus, the area was ruled by the governor of Syria. Judaea had a procurator, who acted as the governor's assistant, and at the time of Jesus he was Pontius Pilate.There was none. At the time of the death of Jesus, the area was ruled by the governor of Syria. Judaea had a procurator, who acted as the governor's assistant, and at the time of Jesus he was Pontius Pilate.There was none. At the time of the death of Jesus, the area was ruled by the governor of Syria. Judaea had a procurator, who acted as the governor's assistant, and at the time of Jesus he was Pontius Pilate.There was none. At the time of the death of Jesus, the area was ruled by the governor of Syria. Judaea had a procurator, who acted as the governor's assistant, and at the time of Jesus he was Pontius Pilate.There was none. At the time of the death of Jesus, the area was ruled by the governor of Syria. Judaea had a procurator, who acted as the governor's assistant, and at the time of Jesus he was Pontius Pilate.There was none. At the time of the death of Jesus, the area was ruled by the governor of Syria. Judaea had a procurator, who acted as the governor's assistant, and at the time of Jesus he was Pontius Pilate.There was none. At the time of the death of Jesus, the area was ruled by the governor of Syria. Judaea had a procurator, who acted as the governor's assistant, and at the time of Jesus he was Pontius Pilate.There was none. At the time of the death of Jesus, the area was ruled by the governor of Syria. Judaea had a procurator, who acted as the governor's assistant, and at the time of Jesus he was Pontius Pilate.

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Jesus Meza's birth name is JESUS MEZA LUEZA.

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which basilica comemorate the birth of jesus

Where was the birth place of Jesus of nazareth?

The birth place of Jesus is Bethlehem.

What was the real birth of Jesus?

Jesus' actual date of birth is not known.