Peter's brother was Andrew. See Matthew 4:18 and 10:2; Mark 1:16; Luke 6:14 and John 1:40.
The main letters in the bible are to Titus, Timothy, Romans , Corinthians, and Peters.
I believe that there is only one Peter in the Bible, the Apostle Peter.
Only one - Simon Peter, apostle of Jesus.
Acts 2; Peters speech to the crowd ...
Jacob cheated his brother Esau.
Andrew was Peters brother.
his name was peters
he has a brother named Richard
The main letters in the bible are to Titus, Timothy, Romans , Corinthians, and Peters.
I believe that there is only one Peter in the Bible, the Apostle Peter.
he was one of the twelve disciples; (Simon) peters's brother was Andrew
Monk's Hood by Ellis Peters is the third book in the Brother Cadfael series, by Ellis Peters. Monks hood is toxic to both animals and humans.
Tamar's brother was Absalom
Edith Pargeter under the pen name of Ellis Peters
Brother of demons. Been reading Elizabeth Peters, have you?
His little brother Fudge
Only one - Simon Peter, apostle of Jesus.