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One view:

Genesis 1 v 28 as He began His greatest work of creation. Since God is three persons in one the 'us' is a reference to His triune nature - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


the nature of the trinity is of catholic roots, from which it adopted a lot of its founding

beliefs from the Babylonian mystery religion. because these people had a trinity consisting of molec, Baal, and ashtaroth. by the way, the pagan religion of Rome also adopted from the Babylonian mystery religion and worshiped false gods like Isis

which is just another name for ashtaroth as she is known by many. so in the creation of this new universal church to be known as the holy roman church, now the catholic church, somewhere around the ninth or 12th century(no one seems to have an exact)

created the apostles creed (please research this) therefore establishing that god is a trinity, the father, the son, and the holy spirit ,which by the way is never described as a person but comes as fire, a dove, a warm breeze etc,etc.

Genesis 126And God said, let us make man in ourimage.

please read john 1:1-3 the word is doing the speaking along with everything else, his father is pleased and in much agreement, please do not let your religion interpret the word of god for you,the word of god interprets itself!

Genesis 322And the Lord God said, Behold, then man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.Genesis 117Let us go down, and there confound their language.

Another answer

God was in a sense discussing things with Himself, between the three persons of the Godhead, who were also involved in the act of creation. Over the years there has been much speculation about the meaning of man being in God's image. As man is intelligent and also 'relational', in that he is able to relate to others, this has been seen by some as being relevant here as God is considering the creation of man who is in a sense like Himself, but obviously with limited powers and knowledge.

Another answer

Judaism was a polytheistic religion, meaning they believed in more than one deity, or more than one god. In the Torah, "Elohim" is used many times, and "Elohim" is plural for "El," Hebrew for "God." For instance, "In the beginning, Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth."

The Trinity doctrine, as the answer above have suggested that Yahweh was speaking to Jesus, wasn't established until 325 AD.

"Elohim" becoming "God" is a mistranslation made on purpose to create a monotheistic religion. If you read Genesis in it's original Hebrew, you will find "Elohim" in many places, even after Genesis.

My opinion as to why the mistranslation: The translators found it confusing that there would be a plural, "Elohim," and then the 1st Commandment of "Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me," even though Yahweh is the God of Israel and Chemosh the "God of the Moabites."

Another answer

In The Bible, the god Yahweh is also referred to by the name Elohim. Elohim is the plural form of Eloh. The "we" in the Bible does not denote more than one creator god, nor does it hint to the triple nature of Yahweh in Christianity, it is simply a way of showing respect to the god being written about.

It's called the "majestic plural" and it is used commonly in scriptures (In the Koran, as well) and even in secular writing (i.e. Albert Einstein). It signifies the subject being talked about and/or the speaker has great importance.

Another answer

The 3 that make up God are all easily found in the bible but people like to complicate it and like to puff themselves up like theologians who in my opinion don't know squat. God is obviously found throughout the bible as well as Jesus however Jesus and or the Holy Spirit is mentioned in Genesis 1:26 when God says let us make man in our own image. The best example that the Holy Spirit is a man is in Matthew 28:19 where it says Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. So on that note I will say that the answers to all these questions is in the word of God and I wont rob you of trying to find them for yourself.

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Tradition states that God was speaking to the angels, which He had created on the Second Day (Rashi commentary, Genesis 1:26). Any disingenuous harping on the plural form of the relevant Hebrew verb, is contradicted by the fact that (in the next verse) when God actually did the creating (as opposed to just planning it out loud), the singular Hebrew verb is used.

See also:

Were the Israelites monotheistic?

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Unless we believe that God saw himself as no different to the angels, he could not have been talking to the angels when he referred to "our image". Some Christians believe he was talking to Jesus, but there is no evidence of this in Genesis. The remaining option is that he was talking to other gods, and indeed there are good grounds for this. We see this again in Psalm 82:1: "God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods."

Mark S. Smith says, in The Early History of God, page 64, that on the available evidence, Israelite religion in its earliest form was polytheistic and the number of deities was relatively typical for the region.

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The Apostle John was inspired to open his Gospel with this which answers your question directly:

John 1:1-4New King James Version (NKJV)The Eternal Word1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

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