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John Wyncliffe first translated The Bible from Latin to English under special permission but it was not allowed to be read. William Tyndale's English translation of the Bible in 1523 was a pioneer work and an independent effort. Much of his translation is used in the King James Version of 1611.

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Q: Who translated the Latin Bible into English?
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When was the Bible translated to English?

The first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts were produced in the 1380's by John Wycliffe. It was translated from the Latin Vulgate.

What was the language the Bible was in before William Tyndale translated it?

Tyndale translated the Bible into English from a Latin translation; the Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek.

Why is William Tyndale important?

In the middle ages the people were very religious. The important book was the Bible, but the bible was written in in Latin. So William Tyndale translated the Latin bible to English. This was known as "THE BIBLE IN LATIN vs THE BIBLE IN ENGLISH.

Was King James a king in the Bible?

No, King James was the English king who had the bible translated from latin to english... hence, the King James' version of the bible.

Why is Tyndale credited with writing the first English bible when Wycliffe started the translation years before?

Wycliffe translated it into Latin, but Tyndale translated it into English.

Who was the person who translated the Bible into Latin?

Saint Jerome first translated the Bible from the original languages into Latin.

Who translated the bible from Hebrew and greek to the lang of the people latin?

St. Jerome translated the bible from Greek and Hebrew into Latin. The translated version is called the Latin Vulgate.

What best selling book did James VI have translated from Latin to English?

The Bible. The translated version is what we know of as the King James' Version today.

How did bible translated in to english?

A man by the name of John Wycliffe, a professor and philosopher from Oxford, England, is credited for having translated the Bible from the Latin language to the English language near the year 1385. Since then, there have been roughly 450 translations of the Bible.

Names of the versions of the Bible?

Jewish Bible (Old Testament only), Septuagint Bible (First time that the entire Old Testament was translated from Hebrew into Greek, in Alexandria, Egypt. Vulgate Bible (the Catholic Bible, tranlated into Latin,with extra or "apocryphal" books not contained in the Protestant Bibles). Lutheran Bible (translated from Latin into German). King James Bible (translated from Latin into English). NIV Bible, and many other Protestant Bibles. Also, many Bibles translated into a number of modern foreign languages.

What languages was the Bible translated into?

when the bible was first translated it was when elizebeth was queen and was trying to find a middle way between prostastents and chatholicism (both religions are christian) sher translated the bible from latin to English and now has probaly been translated into lots more lauguages.

Who translated the bible to einlish?

The Bible was originally translated from the original Greek and from the Latin Vulgate to English by John Wycliffe. However, modern English differs greatly from Old English, and thus the first project to translate the Bible into English that best resembles modern English was commissioned by King James, and the result was the King James Version.