

Best Answer

In the King James version

speaking of Elisha

* 2 Kin 2:23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. But how his baldness came about is not noted, so it might be natural, but it might not.

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Q: Who is the only man in the Bible mentioned as being naturally bald?
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Who is the only man mentioned in the bible as being naturally bald?

Answer:The prophet, Elisha. (II Kings 2:22-24)

What does naturally bald mean?

Naturally bald refers to individuals who do not have hair growth on their scalp due to genetic or hormonal factors, rather than as a result of a medical condition or treatment. It is a natural state of being for certain people who lack hair follicles or have genetically predetermined hair loss patterns.

Why do bald heads shine?

Because of the oil naturally present in human skin.

What is baldness?

Being bald means that you have no hair on your head.

What do you call a human being who doesn't have a single hair on his head?

A person without hair on their head can be called bald or hairless.

What does blad mean?

for a start its bald. a bald eagle is where all the hair from the pubic triangle is shaved.

What do well set hair mean in the Bible?

Isaiah 3:24 - ... and instead of well-set hair, baldness...not being bald.Ex: I do not have well set hair because I am going bald.

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Was Catherine II of Russia Bald?

No. Historians have established there is no evidence of Catharine II of Russia being bald.

If you were to name a character in a book something like Bald Man is that derogatory towards bald people?

well not really because if you are bald, then you are bald. You may not like being bald but it's a discriptive term not an insult. My husband is bald and ginger but it's discriptive not an insult.

What is being done to peserve brasstown bald?


What is being done to help the bald eagle?
