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Both ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil: a serpent tempted Eve who ate it first and then offered the forbidden fruit to Adam. But The Bible never identifies that fruit as being an apple...

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Q: Who ate the apple from the forbidden tree - Adam or Eve?
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How Eve tempted Adam to share the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge?

Eve after eating the forbidden fruit convinced Adam to eat it and they would be like god.

What sins did Adam and Eve from the story of the Garden of Eden commit?

They ate the forbidden fruit... Being an apple... Which God told them not to eat.

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The Adam's apple got it's name in reference to the old Bible story of Adam of Eve. Adam's apple is a reference to the forbidden fruit Adam takes.

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I believe it is a reference to the Biblical Adam and Eve story where they pick the forbidden fruit from the tree and Sin is created

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Eve eating the fruit from the forbidden tree.

What variety of apple did Adam and Eve eat?

A:The story of Adam and Eve gets simplified for young children, including the fruit they ate being described as an apple. However, the tree we find in the Bible is not an apple tree, it is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, a common motif in ancient Near Eastern religions.When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they became like gods (Genesis 3:22-23): "And the Lord God said, Behold the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the Tree of Life, and live forever: therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden." This is not what happens when you eat an apple!

What do Christians believe came into the world when Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree?


What is the meaning of the apple in the Jesse tree?

oringal sin - adam and eve

What time of the day was it when Adam and Eve ate the apple?

It is unclear from the narrative what time of day it was from the story as written. However, as Adam and Eve were is paradise, the current conception of a day may not be accurate to describe when the sin was committed.

What versus does it talk about Adam and Eve not eating from the tree of knowledge?

It is true that Adam and Eve did eat the forbidden fruit, so sin and death came into the world.

What tree in Eden was the forbidden tree?

The forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were specifically instructed by God not to eat the fruit from this tree.

How did Adam and Eve break the first rule?

Adam and Eve broke the golden law of god that they should not eat from the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge, but Satan tempted them and they did eat.