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Satan (Genesis 3:4)(John 8:44)

Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11)

Peter (Matthew 26:69-75)

Parents of a blind man healed by Jesus(John 9:18-23)

The Pharisees (John 8:13,54-55)

Fake Christians(1 John 2:4) (1 John 4:20)

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Q: Who are 5 people who lied in the Bible?
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Who in the bible lied to the apostles?

Ananias and Sapphira Their story is in Acts chapter 5

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Please see the Bible verse Acts 5:3. I believe this may be what you are referring to.

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A 'serpent', typically thought of to be the snake, who was controlled by Saitin

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No. People lied.

What man was struck dead by God for lying?

According to the Bible (NIV) Ananias and his wife Sapphira was struck dead because they lied to God. (Act 5: 1-11.) The Bible does not indicate that they were struck dead by God but that their dead was a direct result of their lying to God.

What kind of people lied in Atlantis?

Mythical ones.

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the pope lied them and obligated them.

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people died. people cried. people lied.

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he was cruel and lied to his people

Why sould Harold godwinson be king?

he was cruel and lied to his people

How good do I look?

Because people lied to you and now you believe it.