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God. Jesus is the intercessor. We pray in the name of Jesus under the unction (or leading) of the Holy Spirit to God the Father. they is only one god and he answers your prayer jesus was the ways in his words is what we are to live by so live by what jesus say as he was not god his is the word

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Q: Who answers prayers Jesus or God?
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Why does God answer prayers?

A:Christians believe that God will answer their prayers as an acknowledgement of the faith of those who submit their prayers to him. If he does not answer a prayer, it is assumed not to have been worthy or not part of God's plan. You can be certain that if enough people pray for the things they want or need, some of them will have their wishes fulfilled, while others will not. Whether that outcome is because of God's unknowable plan or simply blind chance is something each person can decide. This means that if you pray often enough, at least some of your prayers will be answered, if only by chance. . You will probably remember these answers to your prayers, but soon forget the many prayers that seemingly were not answered.

What are the exact prayers of Jesus?

It is the Lords prayer.

Who decided which books make up the new testaments?

God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ decided this. Please see also the relevant answers to this question.

How does the Bible reflect God's revelation to Jesus?

A:Answer 1 Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, so it was not necessary for God to reveal to Jesus, as he was himself divine. According to this view, the Bible reflects the divine words and work of Jesus himself.Answer 2 The Bible reflects real God word revelations whether Jesus or God the Creator.

Why does Jesus not answer our prayers?

Are you referring to scripture found in John chapter 16, verses 23-24? "In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." If so, here's what I think is going on. This section is very transitional. Jesus is speaking to His disciples about His coming departure. The disciples are confused and fearful. "How are they to go on without Him?" Christ tells them earlier that it is for their benefit that He is going to the Father, because the Holy Spirit will be sent to them in His name. The Holy Spirit will take His place as their counselor, guiding them into all truth. Up until now, the disciples have had Christ in their presence, and have asked Him all they wanted to know. He now tells them that, with His departure to the Father and the coming of the Spirit, they will no longer ask Him anything, because they will now ask of the Father in His name. We can't imagine their confusion and fear. "What are they going to do with Christ gone?" "Wasn't the Messiah going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" "If Jesus is the Messiah, how can it be that He will leave?" Jesus is not saying that He will no longer answer their prayers. All Jesus is saying is that change is coming and that it is to their benefit. Up to now He has been there to answer all their questions. He now instructs them that, in prayer, they are to ask of the Father instead of Himself. Jesus may well be involved is the answer to their prayers, but they are to take their questions to His Father.

Related questions

What are some good questions to ask your church?

If you are Christian, ask them if God always answers your prayers. Why did Jesus die on the cross for us. Because Jesus is God, ask them why you can only get to heaven through Jesus. Isn't Jesus God? But the bible says that you have to get to heaven through Jesus, not God.

Do you have to be saved or baptized for your prayers to be answered?

No. ANSWER: God has no reason to answer an unbelievers prayer UNLESS it is a prayer for salvation. After salvation God will answer your prayers. You do not have to be baptized to have your prayers answered. Your prayers are addressed to God in Jesus' name. If you do not belong to God through Jesus Christ God will not hear you.

What is a prayers ending?

Prayers ending is,Amen.that means that you believe that Jesus is god's son

How does god answer prayers?

God does answer prayers but when u ask him for something he will only grant it if it is good for everybody .

If Jesus was raised from the dead where is he now?

In heaven interceeding our prayers to God

Does Mary the mother of Jesus answer prayers?

No, only God can answer prayers. When we pray to Mary we are asking her to intercede for us before God to have a request granted. God can approve the request or say no.

What are unanswered prayers?

I think that god always answers prayers, even if its a no or not what you wanted. BUt an unanswered prayer probably means like that they did not get what they wanted.Even though that was gods way of answering it it wasnt what they wanted. That is the truth. God answers all prayers even if we don't see it.

Prayers of what tell Jesus how great He is?

Prayers that tell Jesus how great He is are known as prayers of adoration. These are common prayers for Christians who believe in Jesus.

What does this mean God's answers are wiser than your prayers?

It is a way of assuring you that God is listening, even if you don't get what you ask for in prayer.

What does God answer?

God does not answer anything. That is why there are many people who doubt if he exists or not. because why, if god is so mighty, never show, or let hear anything of himself? God answers people prayers. Sometimes He answers with a "yes" and other times He answers with a "no". But they do not go unanswered.

Who are prayers directed at?

God, but it has to go through Jesus first. That's why you always say "in Jesus name" at the end of a prayre. Really, Jesus is Gods secritary.

How does Jesus healing the blind man connect to today's life?

People can still be healed today by God through our faith in Jesus and our prayers.