

Best Answer

Of the 12 disciples chose by Jesus, the most mentioned is Peter, with 93 mentions in the four gospels and 63 in the remainder of the New Testament, (156 in all).

And a close second is John, with 100 mentions in the four gospels and 30 in the rest of the New Testament, (130 in all)

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Q: Which disciple is mentioned the most in the bible?
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How many times is the word disciple mention in the bible?

Disciple is mentioned 257 times in the Bible

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At Matthew 27:55 the first disciple 'mentioned by name' was-- "Now as it was late in the afternoon, there came a rich man of Ar·i·ma·the´a, named Joseph, who had also himself become a disciple of Jesus.

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John the Apostle and beloved disciple. See Revelation 1:1,4 and 9.

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His age is not mentioned in the Bible, yet he was the second youngest disciple of Christ, John being the youngest. (I could guess his age was around 30)

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How many times does the word 'disciple' appear in the Bible?

The word 'disciple' or 'disciples' appears in The Bible 294 times.

What word is mentioned the most in the Bible?
