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psalms 119 has the highest verses in The Bible it has 176 verses

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Q: Which chapter in the Bible contains the most verses?
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What are the most commanded verses in the Bible?

The most commanded verse in the bible is from the book of John chapter 3 verse 16.

What book of the king James bible has the most verses?

Psalms. Psalms has 150 chapters and most of them have 20 - 30 verses. One chapter Psalm 119 has 176 verses.

What chapter in Ezekiel has the most verses?

Chapter 16 with 63 verses.

Which book in the Bible contains the most Scriptures?

If by 'Scriptures' you mean verses, then the Book of Psalms has the most at 2, 461. In the New Testament, the Book of Luke has most at 1,151 verses.

What Longest chapter in the New Testament?

Mark 14 with 72 verses is the third longest. And Matthew 26 with 75 verses is the second longest!

What book in the Bible has the most verses?

palsms No it is not Psalms which most of you thought. It is Ezekiel. Most of chapters of Psalms are short verses.

Which psalm has the most verses?

There are 150 psalms in the biblical book of Psalms. The longest psalm is Psalm 119, which contains 176 verses and is the longest chapter in both the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Bible. The psalm opens with the words in Hebrew that say 'happy are those whose way is perfect" and is a prayer of an individual who delights in and lives by the Torah, the sacred law.

How many times child mentioned in the Bible?

The word "child" is in the King James Version of the Bible 203 times. It is in 181 verses.

What are passages in a Bible?

A passage in the Bible is a selection of verses from a book of the Bible. A passage can be a single verse or group of verses or an entire chapter that tells a particular story or message. Most modern Bibles have chapter or section headers that describe various passages. For example, Exodus 2:11-25 may have the passage title "Moses Flees to Midian". Online Bible resources allow you to search for passages either by keyword/phase or Bible reference (e.g. Ex 2:11).

How many chapters in Douay-Rheims Bible?

The Douay-Rheims Bible contains 73 books, the same number found in the Catholic Bible. It is divided into the usual chapters and verses found in most Bibles, with a total of 1,189 chapters.

Where can you get Prayer Bible verses?

To get daily bible verses, there are a few options. One can either download an app to their iPhone or Android where most of them are free. Or one can visit a site such as Thedailybibleverse.

How many verses are in proverbs?

Proverbs has 915 verses, but most of the verses have two halves which in many cases can serve as two proverbs. And sometimes a chapter or group of verses contains an overall message. Also, every verse has levels of meaning. See also 1 kings 5:12.