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philemon and jude

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Q: Which books has only 1 chapter in bible?
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Which chapter in the bible that only has 1 verse?

The shortest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 117, which has two verses. There are no chapters with only one verse.

Which book in the Bible has only 1 chapter and 7 verses?

1 john chp 1

How many books of the king James version bible have 1 chapter?

Four- Obadiah, 2nd John, 3rd John, Jude.

How many chapters does Corinthians a chapter of the Bible have?

There are two books with 'Corinthians' in their title: 1 Corinthians has 16 chapters and 2 Corinthians has 13.

What is the smallest book in the Bible?

The two smallest books of the Bible with respect to smallest number of chapters and smallest number of words is 2 John and 3 John, respectively.3 John --- 1 chapter, 14 verses, 299 words2 John --- 1 chapter, 13 verses, 303 wordsShortest chapter (by number of words): Psalm 117

What is the love chapter in the Bible?

1 Corinthians 13.

Books in The Bible after?

This is what I quoted which is the answer to your question;The books in the bible are named after Prophets and People in the bible. Some books are written by themselves or 1 person writes more than 1 book.

What does roman chapter 1 and 14 mean?

I think it is a reference to the Bible, to the chapter called Romans and the verses 1 and 14 of that chapter.

What is the Masonic word in the Bible in Acts Chapter 1?

There is no peculiarly Masonic word in Acts Chapter 1.

What is the summary of a chapter 1?

Please rewrite. Most books have a chapter 1. Title is needed here.

What books of the Bible were written by King David?

Though much has been written in the books of history in the Bible about King David, he is only believed to have authored directly around 70 of the Psalms.

How many books written by Jude in the Bible?

Only one Bible book was written by Jude, the one that bears his name.