Three sets of disciples had the same first name: Simon, James, and Judas. See Luke 6:14-16, Mat 10:2-4.Simon (Andrew's brother also called Peter)Simon the Zealot--James (son of Zebedee and brother of John) - James the GreaterJames (son Alphaeus) - James the Less--Judas (son of James also called Thaddaeus)Judas Iscariot
Three sets of disciples had the same first name: Simon, James, and Judas. See Luke 6:14-16, Mat 10:2-4.
Their names were common names for the time period. Example: Jude, Judas, Jesus are all variations of the same name.
The answer is a Isosceles Triangle
The Bible does not name them Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me....."
another name the disciples called Jesus .
His disciples usually called him Lord or Teacher
The disciples are to baptize the people in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
They began in 1960 David Barksdale helped out starting up The SDs but hey may not have become known as the Satan Disciples until 1963, now known as Black Disciples. The SDs soon set up shop near 24th and California and had a stronghold in the western part of the Pilsen community in the 1960s.Full name: Donise David Barksdale.Date of birth: May 24, 1947.Place of birth: Sallis, Mississippi.Date of death: September 2, 1974Barksdale created the Disciple Nation that consisted of: Devil's Disciples, Devit's Disciples, Falcon Disciples, Royal Disciples, Renegade Disciples, Executioner Disciples, Boss Pimp disciples, East Side Disciples, Sircon Disciples, Motown Disciples, Dutchtown Disciples, Gonzato Disciples, Six-Tray Disciples, Maniac Disciples and four-Tray Disciples. Also during this period of time, David Barksdale controlled the Del Vikings, the Black Souls, and the West Side Cobras. The Black Disciples and the Gangster Nation were two alliances, basically similar to the present day Folk Nation. Before the gangs would join either Gangster Nation or Black Disciples, they had to alter their names a little, to be in the Disciple nation u had to adopt the last name of Disciple (there were exceptions like the Black Souls, West Side Cobras, and Del Vikings). The rest of the gangs that joined had to adopt the last name of Gangster.
Their names were common names for the time period. Example: Jude, Judas, Jesus are all variations of the same name.
In C:/Program Files/Strategy First/Disciples 2 Elves/ScenEdit.exe
He was called by the name of lord and master.
it is a boy name which is also one of the disciples name.
Probably all of them were from the same small area of Galilee with the exception of Judas Iscariot who was (as his name suggests) from Iscaria, a place near Judea. We know that Peter and Andrew were brothers as were James and John all of whom were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee, so were all from the same place. The other seven disciples (not counting Judas) were also from that area.
No, disciples and apostles are not the same. Disciples are generally followers or students of a teacher or a philosophy, while apostles are specifically chosen messengers or representatives, often with a specific mission or authority. In the context of Christianity, the apostles were a smaller group within the larger group of disciples.
Madelyn is a form of Magdalene, the name of one of Jesus' disciples.