I Thessalonians 4:13-18 is one of the strongest passages on the future resurrection. In Matthew 22:23-33, Jesus affirms the reality of the resurrection as he corrects the error of the Sadducees. In Luke 14:12-14 He does so again, speaking of rewards. In Acts 17:22-34 the Apostle Paul affirmed the truth of Jesus' resurrection in the face of scoffers, and the other apostles constantly spoke of Christ' resurrection.
I Corinthians 15 is also another vital passage. In verses 12-34 Paul affirms the hope and centrality of the resurrection as the basis for Christian faith.
Additional Info
The phrase also occurs in the English Book of Common Prayer used in Anglican churches
"Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection into eternal life"
949 verses. Not sure if it's used 2 times in a verse.
I'm not sure what book is quoted the most but the most quoted verse is John 3:16. Psalms would also be a top contender.
Hebrews 11: 1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. I hope this is what you're looking for, if not, check out the link below for a serch engine of the Bible called the Bible Gateway.
1454 or 1455, there is no certain year known but it was for sure either one of those years.
There is no difference between "certain" and "for sure."
I'm not sure if anyone has the bible online or whatnot, but if you go to a book store and use a Thompson Chain Bible, they have indexes in the back where you can look up certain words, names, and phrases and it will list every verse with that.
i,m not sure
It is common to use quotation marks when writing a Bible verse in a sympathy card to indicate that the words are being quoted from the scripture. Make sure to attribute the verse to the appropriate book, chapter, and verse number.
John 6:19 im pretty sure
there are many things in the bible that speak about branches. although, the most famous one is a verse said by Jesus: "I am the vine and you are the branches." i do not know the verse at the top of my head, but i am pretty sure it is i the book of mathew
949 verses. Not sure if it's used 2 times in a verse.
A:Not at all sure. In fact, the more carefully I read the Bible, the more certain I am that God does not exist.
People who work hard in the church generally know the Bible well enough to not have to ask the internet about what's in the Bible. As a side-note, I'm not sure what you mean by "used for someone who worked hard in the church"
Not sure what you mean, but unless question is made clearer, candles are not a resurrection of Jesus.
I'm not sure what book is quoted the most but the most quoted verse is John 3:16. Psalms would also be a top contender.
Matthew 15:8 "These people draw near to Me with their mouth and honour mewith their lips, but their heart is far from Me.I'm not sure if this is the scripture verse you are looking for. Sounds like it is, but this the translation given in my bible.
This is from the Good News Bible and I think the meaning is clearer: 1Ch 18:14 David ruled over all Israel and made sure that his people were always treated fairly and justly.