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I don't believe there's a place where The Bible says man will live to be 120 years, but Moses DID live that long. Here are some details:

According to the Bible at ('Genesis 2:15-17), mankind was SUPPOSED to live forever on earth, but because of Adam's disobedience (Genesis 3:6), death became part of human existence, coming quicker and quicker as we got further from the original perfection (Romans 5:12).

*Ten generations from Adam to Noah, people still averaged more than 850 years each. (Genesis 5:5-31; 9:29)

*After Noah, man's life span dropped off sharply.

*Abraham, for example, lived only 175 years. (Genesis 25:7)

*From the time of Moses to our day, what Moses wrote is generally true: "In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; and if because of special mightiness they are eighty years, yet their insistence is on trouble and hurtful things; for it must quickly pass by....." (Psalms 90:10)

Moses stated this as the general rule, but some lived longer...even Moses himself, lived 120 years, Aaron (123 years), Joshua (110 years), and some others whose strength and vitality were unusual.-Deuteronomy 34:7; Numbers 33:39; Joshua 24:29.

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Q: Where in the bible does God say mans years will be 120?
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Dying From anything, just sux! And god said your years shall be 120! This is the first thing you need to talk to god about when you die! 120 or anything less is just a raw deal!