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Genesis 4:7.

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Q: Where in the Bible is the word sin first used?
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In the Bible what word out of SIN and FAITH used the most?

The word 'sin' was used 323 times, and the word 'faith' was used 249 times. Hmm...

Books that mention sin?

Every book of the Bible mentions sin in one form or another, although the word itself is not always used.

First mention of sin in the bible?

The word "sin" means to do wrong. The first wrong done by humans is found in Genesis chapter 3. The first murder was found in Genesis chapter 4.

Is the word sin mentioned in every book of the bible?


How many times did the word sin appear in the bible?


How many times is sin mention in the Bible?

In the NIV translation as word search on the word "sin" turns up 433 hits.

Does the word 'sin' appear in the Hebrew bible?

Yes, I am sure that the concept of sin appears in every true translation of the Bible, though Hebrew would not translate sin as sin, but they picked a very specific word that desribes something such as sin. Our language has gone through millions of changes and therefore, our translation of the Bible was translated many times through many languages (German, Latin) from the original copies of the Bible, of which the Old Testament was written in classical Hebrew with the New Testament being recorded in Koine Greek.AnswerNo, the word 'sin' does not appear in the Tanach (Jewish Bible). The word most commonly translated as sin is actually an archery term that means 'to miss the mark'.

What is a word the bible uses to describe doing wrong against god?


In the Bible What is yeast a symbol of?

In the Bible, yeast represents sin.

What is the last time the word 'sin' appears in the Bible?

1 John 5:17.

Bible thy word have you hidden in your heart that you may not sin against thee?

Ps:119:11: Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Is it a sin to steal a Bible?

In Christianity, yes, it is a sin to steal anything, including the Bible.