The lord's prayer (aka: Our Father prayer) was actually a 'model prayer' provided by Jesus when he was teaching his disciples how to pray. (Matthew 6:9-13.) The model prayer was not to be memorized and repeated over and over again(Matthew 6:7+8), but furnishes a pattern for our own prayers.
The lords prayer learn you how to pray, it honor him, tell who he is, giving us what we need and asking for forgiviness
It is the Lords prayer.
The Lords prayer can be found in Luke 11:1-4 & Matthew 6:9-13.
See the link below.
Hallowed is the seventh word of the Lord's Prayer from the KJV of the Bible.
No. That is a Christian prayer.
The deciples once asked Jesus to teach them to pray and he taught them the lords prayer as we know it.
The lords prayer learn you how to pray, it honor him, tell who he is, giving us what we need and asking for forgiviness
It is called the lords prayer.
the LORDS prayer
It is the Lords prayer.
The Lords prayer can be found in Luke 11:1-4 & Matthew 6:9-13.
Voice To Spirit
invocationseven petitionsconclusion
It is the lords prayer.
See the link below.
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