In the King James version
the word - hell - appears 54 times. The first of these is
The word hell appears in 54 verses of the KJV bible.
That word is not in the Bible.
54 times.
in greek, the word bible means "Book"or "The Book".
The word "hell" is in the King James Version of the Bible 54 times. It is in 54 verses.
The word "hell" is mentioned in the Bible approximately 23 times, primarily in translations of the New Testament. The concept of hell in the Bible can encompass different ideas, such as eternal separation from God or a place of punishment after death.
The word hell appears in 54 verses of the KJV bible.
That word is not in the Bible.
54 times.
in greek, the word bible means "Book"or "The Book".
The word "hell" is in the King James Version of the Bible 54 times. It is in 54 verses.
The word "anointed" first appears in Genesis 31:13 of the KJV bible.
It is hell it appears 117 times.
There is no mention of "hell" in the Hebrew Bible, nor is there any ancient Hebrew word for "hell". The concept didn't exist until the time of the earliest of Christians.
The Bible is the written word of God and gives the key to salvation from Hell.