August 1 is a Monday in 14.5% of all years of the Gregorian calendar. The next occurrence will be in 2016.
August 1, 1960 fell on a Monday.
August 1, 2012 was on a Wednesday.
August 27 1990 was a Monday.
August 1, 2016 will fall on a Monday.
Yes, the 24th of August 1931 was a Monday.
August 7th, 1961 fell on a Monday.
The next time August 24 will fall on a Monday will be in the year 2015.
The next time August 18th will fall on a Monday will be in 2014.
in what year does may 1 fall on monday
August 13, 1990 was a Monday.
August 11th, 2014 will fall on a Monday.
August 10 1964 was a Monday.
August 9 1993 was a Monday.
August 7, 1978, was a Monday.
August, 31st, 1970, was a Monday,