Although The Bible does not specifically say when Adam and Eve and everything else were created by God, various men have calculated backwards from known dates, and have calculated it to be 4004BC [Ussher] to 5760BC [Setterfield], that is, from 6000 to 8000 years ago. There's a big difference between that, compared with roughly a quarter of a million years according to evolutionary theory if you leave God out: and that varies according to different science books! People must decide which side of the fence they are going to jump to.
It must be understood that the Biblical times of thousands of years and evolutionary times of millions of years are not mutually-exclusive, but is simply Time dated using two different methods or measuring sticks.
Biblical -using ASTRONOMICAL time (time for earth to complete an orbit around the Sun.. (Sometimes called ORBITAL time)
Evolutionary -using ATOMIC time (time to complete so many oscillations of a particular atom.
For example, 1 second is for 9,192,631,770 oscillations of a a cesium-133 atom. )
Both measure the same thing using different measuring-sticks, so although the results appear completely different they are actually the same.
For example, 4004 years BC ASTRONOMICALLY equates to 14 Billion Years ATOMICALLY
According to Torah-tradition, God created the first humans in 3760 BCE. See also:
Yes it is. Armageddon is going to come and kill all the bad people on the earth and the 144000 that have been picked will go up in heaven, but the rest will stay down on a beautiful paradise earth. We don't know when its going to come but we can tell by all the bad people and things that are on the earth right now that it will happen very soon, all of this is prophesied in the Bible.
The devil wasnt tempted to come to Earth. He was kicked out of Heaven for trying to overpower God.
The spelling is aardvark and is Afrikaans for 'earth pig'
There is no such star as aderoid and it is not going to come closer to earth..:)
They come from planet Mars the solar winds blow them onto earth.
I was born here.
When fat people stomp it rumbles the earth. When fat people stomp it rumbles the earth.
When all people know of Him, he will come to Earth and reign for 1,000 years. He will then have all people of Earth be judged, and, accourding to the Bible, if people are nonbelievers, anti-christ, etc., they will be put in the lake of fire, which is also described as the destruction of Earth. All believers, or people who have eternal faith in Jesus Christ, will go to Heaven and come down to the new Earth, with no sin.
God directly says in the Bible, that he would never send another flood onto Earth.
That would depend on the type of map. A Mercator projection projects the Earth onto a cylinder, causing distortions at the poles. A "conic" projection projects the Earth onto a cone. And there are special purpose maps that project the Earth onto a plane.
People didn't come up with the color blue, nature did. Earth is the blue planet.
The moon and earth get there light from the sun when the sun shines onto the moon the moon reflects the suns light onto the earth.
they come from clouds through precipitation but some people think that water came on earth when the meteors hit earth at the beginning of time and released water
there should be a small sack have momo swing onto it and water should come out
Scientists are trying to get life onto Mars.
Magma that flows onto Earth's surface is called lava.