It is not a question of which one he would have used but which one did he use. The question suggest that he didn't use one. He did use on and it was the original 1611 King James Version.
There are many sites that you may refer to for getting Arabic versions of the Bible and Audio versions also. A link below is an example.
The syrian or (Aramaic) bible wrote right to left and when you turn the page, you would turn it from right to left also.. God Bless
It would vary based on the version of the Bible you are considering. Aside from that, it should be fairly easy to find whichever version you choose online and paste it into a Word Document, then use the Word Find tool to determine how many times it appears.
We were just in a hotel room where I actually read the Gideon Bible in the drawer. I noticed that it was a King James Version. Because of the history of strained politics between the Vatican and England, it's safe to say that the King James Version is not a Catholic Bible. Regardless, I'm sure the Gideons would not object if a Catholic were to read their Bible.
It would most likely depend upon the translation and version used, but the Book of Jeremiah uses the term 'shepherd(s)' 19 times in the New International Version.
Charles Spurgeon died on January 31, 1892 at the age of 57.
Yes. The Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon married Susannah Thompson in 1856, and their twin sons, born 1858, were: Rev. Thomas Spurgeon. He married Lila McLeod Rutherford and they had a daughter Daisy. Thomas succeeded his father as preacher at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. He later went to New Zealand (Aotearoa) and started the Baptist Tabernacle in Queen Street, Auckland. But much of his life was spent in Australia. Rev. Charles Spurgeon. He married Sarah Ann Jacob in 1881, and was father to four surviving children, from 1882 to 1891: Grace Susie, Dorothea, Constance, and Charles Oliver Spurgeon. Since some of their children are presumably still living, further information would need to be obtained from, or by contacting, one of a great many Spurgeon societies on the net. Charles senior was Pastor of Nottingham Baptist Church.
There is not a specific Calvin version of the Bible (unless you are referring to the Geneva Bible, and the answer would be the same), but the Bible that John Calvin would have conformed to and based his theology on contains 66 books, like the King James Version, the New International Version, the English Standard version, and others.
Definitely King James Version.
Information on the authorized version of the King James version of the Holy Bible can be found on sites on the web. These include Bible Gateway and AV 1611.
These two words occur in the KJV Bible 31 and 71 times respectively. To find what you mean as 'the Bible version' of them, you would have to study the containing passages in-depth.
the best bible for a 7 yr old would be: The New Bible In Pictures For Little Eyes
One good name would be "Matti".
The word "brothers" is in the King James Version of the Bible 1 time. It is in 1 verse. The more common word in the King James Version would be "brethren." The word "brethren" is in the King James Version of the Bible 563 times. It is in 541 verses.
It depends on the version you use, but I believe the only one that would is the Message.
There are many sites that you may refer to for getting Arabic versions of the Bible and Audio versions also. A link below is an example.
Many would say the King James Version, also called the Authorized Version.