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The name Obama is not found anywhere in The Bible.

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Q: What page is the name Obama in the Bible?
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What page is the Bible open to when the president swears on oath?

None. When Barack Obama put his hand on the Bible, the book was closed.

Is the name brock in the Bible?

The name Brock is not found in the Bible. In addition, the name Obama is not found in the King's James Version of the Bible either.

What is the relationship between the Bible verses and the first name of President Barack Obama?

There is no inherent relationship between specific Bible verses and President Barack Obama's first name. The Bible verses are religious texts, while the first name of President Obama is simply a personal identifier. Any connection between the two would be subjective or coincidental.

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The last book of the Bible was completed in the year 96 C.E. The Bible does not mention Obama. Barack Obama was born in 1961.

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Obama is the last name of the 44th President of the United States Barack Obama.

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What was the red item Michelle Obama was carrying when Barack Obama was sworn in?

Lincoln Bible

What was the red bible used in the swearing in of President Obama?

It was Abraham Lincoln's Bible.