An eighth note (if the measure is in 4/4 time), because each measure gets 4 beats, therefore 1 beat is a quarter measure ergo, a quarter note. Half of a quarter is an eighth, therefore a half beat is an eighth note.
an eighth note which is half of one beat or count in 4/4 time
The time signature. The top note is how many beats in a measure, the bottom is what type of note gets a beat. For example, 4/4: four notes in the measure, quarter notes gets a beat.
In short, it means there are two beats in each measure and the half note gets one beat. 2/2 is simply a different way of notating cut-time.
first of all, 4 quarter notes? four half notes? anyway, to answer your question, if one measure receives 4 quarter notes, it would be like this.... 4 beats in a measure: 4 quarter note gets one beat: 4 So the bottom number is what type of note gets one beat, and the top number states how many beats in one measure.
Yes and no. Commonly, a quarter note gets one beat, an eighth note gets half, and a sixteenth note gets one fourth of a beat (4-4 time). Occasionally, a song will be in 4-8 or 2-8 time, then the quarter note gets two beats, the eighth note gets one, and the sixteenth note gets half a beat. That help?
An eighth note gets half a beat
In 3/4 time, a quarter note gets one beat. A half note gets two beats, and a dotted half note gets the entire three beats of a measure.
a half note gets two beats. Because a whole note is 4 beats usually that means half of that is two beats.
usually a half noteA half note gets 2 beats if you are in a 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, etc. If you are in an 8 pattern time signature, a quarter note gets two beats.
Two beats out of four. Hence the name half note! :P
In 2/4 time, an eight note gets half a beat. (A quarter note gets one.)
A dotted quarter note. (One beat for the quarter note and half a beat for the dot.)
An eighth note (if the measure is in 4/4 time), because each measure gets 4 beats, therefore 1 beat is a quarter measure ergo, a quarter note. Half of a quarter is an eighth, therefore a half beat is an eighth note.
Those two notes equal a dotted eighth note. In terms of beats, (assuming common time) then the eighth note gets a half a beat and the sixteenth note gets a quarter of a beat, so the two of them together get 3/4 of a beat.
a dotted half note gets three beats. a "dot" adds half of the value of the note...for example half the value of a half note is one add that to the half note to get 3 beats
It means that there are two beats in a measure, and a quarter note gets a beat.