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10 + 10 + 10 + (10 - 1)

30 + 9


i before x means minus = ix = 9

i after x means plus = xi = 11


xxxix is correct as all letters [ivxlcdm]

xxx1x is wrong as 1 is a number not a letter

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Q: What is xxx1x in Roman numbers?
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If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.

How do you write Mark 4 in Roman numbers?

Roman numerals are a system for writing numbers, not words. the Roman numeral for 4 is IV.

Why roman numbers are not in use?

They are impractical and we have a much better system now. Also Roman numbers are not infinite.

How to write lxlv roman numerals in numbers?

That's not a Roman number; Roman numbers never have two L's (or two V's or two D's).