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== In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

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Q: What is the very first sentence in the Bible?
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Dana Forrest Kennedy has written: 'My very first golden Bible' -- subject(s): Bible stories, English Bible stories 'My Very First Bible'

Where can you find the very first Bible?

At the Council of Elvira.

What country did the Bible come from?

the very first bible was said to be wrote in sanskrit and came from the middle east.

Which is the best connector for this sentence she had to leave school she was very sad She was not very good at mathematics she liked reading and writing?

For the first sentence, "and." For the second sentence, "but."

What is the best connector for this sentence she had to leave school she was very sad She was not very good at mathematics she liked reading and writing?

For the first sentence, "and." For the second sentence, "but."

When was the first christian Bible made?

The very first bible was made when God breathed the very first scripture to the very first prophet and it was preached to all men. no one knows, all of the stories that say when it happened all include god, and then that is put into the bible, so no one can tell, since we don't even know if God actually exists

How do you use the world diagram in a sentence?

That's a very nice diagram.

What was the name of the very first book ever published?

I believe the answer is the Bible

When was Adam first mentioned in the bible?

The very first book, Genesis. Chapter 1 or 2.

What is a sentence with the word Bible in it?

Have you read your Bible today?

What is the first word in the Bible?

'In', as part of the sentence 'In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.' The first word in the Bible comes from the book of Genesis in the first verse and is "In." It is the start of the well known phrase "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Which book says that in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth?

This is the first sentence of the Bible. (Genesis 1:1).