If you have the IBAN you should use the NatWest head office swift code NWBKGB2L
Manchester City Centre Branch - 11 Spring Gardens, Manchester, M60 2DB
Barclays Business centre, Manchester, Mosley Street
Swift code for transfers not coming from US: TDOMCATTTOR Swift code for transfers from US: BOFAUS3N
swift code
What is the swift code for Suntrust Bank
swift code HSBC Hopewell Centre
SWIFT CODE NWBKGB2L Sort code 601555
Assuming this is Bankwest (Bank of Western Aistralia), all branches use the same SWIFT code: BKWAAU6P
Manchester City Centre Branch - 11 Spring Gardens, Manchester, M60 2DB
United Bank Limited Commercial Centre Mirpur, Azad Kashmir
The NatWest branch with sort code 600714 is the Manchester Business Centre branch.
United bank Limited Commercial Centre Mirpur, Azad Kashmir
Barclays Business centre, Manchester, Mosley Street
swift code is CRLYFRPP swift code is CRLYFRPP swift code is CRLYFRPP swift code is CRLYFRPP swift code is CRLYFRPP swift code is CRLYFRPP
Simply call or the branch and they will tell you
Manchester has many different post codes, depending on area. These start at M1 (for the city centre).
Manchester, United Kingdom (MAN)Manchester - Manchester Municipal Airport, NH, USA (MHT)M90 1QX is the post code for Manchester Airport