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Use following function in any other cell to calculate sum: =sum(b4:b7)

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Q: What is the sum of the values stored in cells b4 b5 b6 and b7?
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What is the sum of the values stored in cells B4 and B5 and B6 and B7?

Don't know, but you could find out with the formula SUM(B4:B7).

What formula would you enter to add the value in cells b4 b5 and b6?

Either b4 + b5 +b6 or sum(b4:b6)

What formula would you enter to add the values in cells B4 and B6?

=B4+B6 simple isn't it. I wonder if your question is different.

What is the correct formula to calculate the total cell of B3 and B4?

The proper and best way to do it is: =B3+B4 You could also do it in any of the following ways: =SUM(B3:B4) =SUM(B3,B4) =SUM(B3+B4)

What Excel function is used to add numbers in a range of cells?

The syntax is... sum(start:end) - where 'start' is the first cell in the range and 'end' is the last.

Formula that will calculate sum in excel?

Without seeing your precise spreadsheet and knowing what types of figures you already have and what cells they are in, it is impossible to give you the precise formula. There are also various ways you could do it, but the function you would be most likely to use is the Sum function. So if you already have individual incomes and just want to total them, then in the cell where you want the total type in: =Sum( and then select the cells that you want added using the mouse and then press enter. If your figures were in cells B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 and B7 and your formula was in B8, then the formula would be: =Sum(B1:B7) That is telling Excel to add all the values in the cells from B1 to B7.

How many cells are included in the range A1 through B3?

6 cells. They are A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3.

How do you make the columns total up correctly on the software Open Office?

My spreadsheet totals correctly.In a cell I write=SUM(then I select the cells that I want to sum either by clicking on one after another until all are in the list after the parenthesis or by click-dragging a range or by simply writing the references B4:B14 for example for all cells inclusive from B4 to B14.Then I type)[close parentheses]Calc sums just great!Note:The program makes a difference between decimal point and decimal comma (it depends on some setting, if you hafe it wrong it won't recognize the numbers as a number)All the cells will have to be formatted as numbers (usually not a problem)

What is the syntax for a Cell Range?

You use the cell reference of the top left cell of the range, followed by a colon, followed by the bottom right cell. So a range going from B4 to D12 would be specified like this: B4:D12 It will always appear in something, like a function, rather than by itself. So for example, it could be any of these: =SUM(B4:D12) =AVERAGE(B4:D12) =COUNT(B4:D12)

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How do you select cells A3 through F3 in excel?

In Excel, cell selection is accomplished by highlighting the desired cells. This is done by bringing the cursor to the desired cell, left clicking and holding the button down while dragging the mouse. So click on A3 and drag down to F3.

What is meant by formula in a spreadsheet program?

There is no simple answer to that, as it depends on what exactly you are trying to do. Through using a spreadsheet and getting training and experience you would learn what facilities are available and how you can use them to do the things you need. Then when you come to create a spreadsheet you will know or can work out what formulas you need for the particular task you are trying to accomplish.