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Q: What is the smallest king name in Tamil bible?
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What is the meaning of name thangaraj in Tamil?

"Thangaraj" in Tamil means "king of gold" or "golden king." It is a combination of two words: "Thanga" which means "gold" and "Raj" which means "king" in Tamil.

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"Thennarasu" is a South Indian name of Tamil origin that means "King of the South" or "King of South India." It is a unique and strong name with royal connotations.

What is the meaning of Tamil name thangadurai?

The Tamil name Thangadurai can be translated to mean "king of gold" or "brave warrior." The name combines the Tamil words "thanga," meaning gold, and "durai," meaning leader or king. It is a strong and powerful name with connotations of wealth and royalty.

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King James authorized the Bible to be written.

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What is the smallest name in Bible?

This was most likely the name of the City of Ur, in the times of Abraham.

What does the name akhil mean?

it means the king, almight, entire, the whole and the king of the world....... In Tamil it means sandolwood.

Where is Shakespear name or Spearshaker in the King James Bible?

These names are not in the Bible

Is the name brock in the Bible?

The name Brock is not found in the Bible. In addition, the name Obama is not found in the King's James Version of the Bible either.

Is there any king in the Bible called ''usdiar''?

There is no one with that name or spelling in the Bible.

Is the name Samantha in the King James version of the Bible if so where can I find it?

The name "Samantha" does not appear in any translation of the Bible, including the King James Version.